
Why Work in the Goulburn Valley?

Junior doctors who work rurally and regionally are generally able to access a variety of hands on skills much sooner than their city counterparts. Working rurally and regionally supports family life and the ability to participate in diverse recreational activities. The Goulburn Valley boasts a number of attractive features whilst still being in close proximity to Melbourne.

Support for Students and Junior Doctors

GVRTH is working to support students and junior doctors in a number of ways …

Dr JuMP Regional Medical Mentoring Program

Dr JuMP is a state-wide medical mentoring program designed to support medical students, junior medical officers and registrars working and training in rural and regional Victoria.

Our valued mentors are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and supporting you to work through your roadblocks and hurdles as you travel your career pathway in rural and regional Victoria

Registering with Dr Jump as a new mentor or mentee is quick and easy. Head to and click JOIN NOW. Complete your profile and then start looking for the right mentor straight away.


Click to register with Mentorloop or log in to your Mentorloop account


Click to view the clinical supervision
lunchtime webinar series

Teaching/Learning for Junior Doctors

Coming soon.